Welcome to our dedicated 'Members' only pages.
As many are now are aware, Warley WASPS members voted against the dissoloution of the club, for the dissolution to happen a total vote of 75% for was required, only 58% voted for, 42% against, so the dissolution was rightly avoided. Warley WASPS still exists, albeit on paper, but we have merged the Learn to Swim operations with Millennium Swimming Club, a Learn To Swim club setup in 2000 by Roger Soulsby.
The new section, including new website, social media will be known as Millennium WASPS and retains all the ethos of Warley WASPS, but is now a private entity running to the Swim England Learn to Swim structure.
It is our intention to make a return to competing and to triathlon, but all sections of the club will be seperate but under the umbrella of Millennium WASPS. More details will be revealed as and when.
We have invested our own time and resources into Millennium WASPs, with staffing, marketing and lot of new equipment. It is our full intention of growing to a sizeable club once more...we've done it twice before, this time we have knowledge, experience and are well aware who to trust and who not to. We are not starting from nothing, we are starting with the biggest and greatest experience Sandwell and the Black Country can offer!
We are the only Aquatics Club in Sandwell offering a Learn to Swim Programme, something we've always believed in, fought for and proud to offer.
8h October 2024